That means when he exports his 3 hour tour movie, that same video will get compressed again, so it’s not ideal. size), you’re still compressing the video when you do that.
There’s a lot of options, many tools would create an mp4 file, but even if you encode with h.264 (the best encoding algorithm out there today in terms of quality vs. Next we had to turn the VOB files into something that Final Cut Express could read. So first Steve used Mac the Ripper to rip the DVD into VOB files on his Mac. They were very specific at Los Veranos Canopy Tours that we could take the photos and video we bought and do anything we wanted with them. In addition to his footage and my photos for the slide show (that’ll be another hour), we also paid for a DVD of our ziplining adventure. With help from Don McAllister and Matt Hillyard, he got over the hump of actually getting started pulling in the three hours of video he took on our trip to Mexico. That really came to light this week with Steve and his new adventures in Final Cut Express.

It’s possible I’ve mentioned before that I think video is hard. See also MacBreak on Services at /macbreak235

In our first main topic Bart explains how to enable a free SSL Certificate to protect your WordPress login, and in the second he explains how cool Services and Automator are in Show Leopard. Zero day exploit in all IE’s at /technet/security and rounds it out with a phishing attack on MobileMe users at. Try PDFCreator from /projects/pdfcreator and Foxit Reader from /Foxit-Reader instead of Adobe products. In Chit Chat Across the Pond Bart tells us about Patch Tuesday’s mildness this month, a zero day exploit from Adobe /support/security. Soundgate iPod unit for Acura/Honda/Goldwings from 2003-2010 at. Full review of vector-drawing program Intaglio from. Loving shareware developers, especially John Clayton of and Mike Yenco of. Book recommendation: Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs by Carmine Gallo. FLV Crunch saves the day moving VOB to dv files. Glasses over contacts, send your email address in if you’re going to MacWorld and want to meet up, Pat Dengler Your Mac Doctor shares one of her hardware secrets.